I never figured I’d be a paranoid parent, but that’s what I have become. Truthfully, I figured my type A personality could be nothing BUT a paranoid parent…but I digress. Baby Owen has still been sleeping in a bassinet in our bedroom until last night. It has brought me comfort to know that he’s right beside me and if I need to feed him in the middle of the night I can just sit up, feed him, and put him back to bed or if I need to make sure he’s still breathing I just pop my head up and I can see his little chest moving up and down. Yet, I realized that I wasn’t just being paranoid, I was being a little selfish. Here’s my little 15 pound baby squished in a bassinet where his feet touch the bottom and his arms can stretch out in his touchdown sleepy pose he loves. Then and there I decided it’s time to train him to sleep in his big boy crib. I just knew that it was going to be a horrible, cry all night kind of deal so I waited until my Spring Break to attempt it. Last night was the big night and I laid him down about 10:30 and I checked on him 500 times before I went to bed, and much to my surprise, each time I checked he was sleeping comfortably…all stretched out! I had to go in a wake him up at 8:00 this morning to eat…not even one little peep out of him all night. This morning as I’m looking at my little sleepy head boy I realized life had taught me another lesson and here’s what I learned…
Life Lesson #1: Even babies deserve a little freedom and independence…even if it means just stretching out their arms in a big boy crib
Baby Owen in his touchdown sleepy pose
i'm glad you're blogging, sister. i'm also liking the number exaggeration. i'm quite fond of it. i'm also quite fond of my touchdown posing little sleepy nephew baby.