Saturday, May 28, 2011

Life Changes

So I'm sick with a sinus infection and Baby O had to travel with me to CVS Minute Clinic this morning because Marcus had to sleep from working 3rd shift. I got there at 9:00, as soon as they opened, and was still 2nd in line. As I sat there, praying that my baby keeps on smiling and giggling at the sick girl beside us (while I was also praying that whatever she had wasn't too contagious...) I realized that my life has changed in so many ways. There are no more get up and go trips unless Owen approves, no more sleeping in until 9:00 am, no more going to bed at 9:00 pm, no more sit and chat dinners with my husband, no more clean house, no more time to just sit and read (unless he's asleep), no more far away vacation trips (at least for a little while)... BUT I have the sweetest, cutest, funniest little man in the whole wide world and I think that's a pretty good trade off!

Life Lesson #8: God always knows what he's doing, even when we don't understand!


  1. so true! the sacrifices are TOTALLY worth it!

  2. I absolutely totally agree, I can say this as the Lord is making BIG changes in our lives in the next couple months.
