Friday, November 18, 2011

Big Boy Food

    Baby Owen has started transitioning from baby food to big boy food, or as my Grandma said "Oh, he can eat human food now!" In this adventure of trying new foods I have found that Cracker Barrel is a baby friendly restaurant. I can just order extra food for Owen and I to share. The other night we ordered from there and Owen ate some green beans, mashed potatoes, and a little macaroni. The next day Marcus was watching him while I was at work and here's the phone conversation that we had...

Marcus: Have you fed Owen this macaroni before?
Me: Yes, he had a little bit last night
Marcus: Well he loves it! He has it in his hair and everywhere! I thought he was finished eating so I cleaned off the tray and got ready to get him out of the highchair and then he found some leftover macaroni in the pocket on his bib and started reaching in to eat that too!
*In my mind I just had a mental picture of him reaching in that bib pocket super fast like he found a little treasure, so I made Marcus take a picture

 Here's a pic of my little mac and cheese boy

Friday, November 11, 2011

Getting Old

It's finally happened, I realize that as I'm quickly approaching the big 3-0 that I'm getting old! Here's the story of the most recent reminder of that. When baby Owen is riding along with me in the car we normally listen to my iPod. We'll listen to Jazz music, Celtic lullabies, or Hushabye Baby George Strait...but when he's not in the car I sometimes feel the need to rock and sing along to some more current music. Yesterday on my way to work I heard a song by the band Foster the People. I hadn't heard it before and I really liked the beat! I was humming/mumbling along, as I always do when I don't know the words (don't lie I know you've done it before too!) and I caught the chorus. I thought, maybe I didn't hear that right and waited on it to come up again. The words kind of made me stop and think about how younger kids really shouldn't be listening to that song. The part said, "All you little kids in your pumped up kicks you better run baby run, faster than my gun." Well I work hard so that hopefully someday Owen can wear pumped up kicks and hate to think that he would need to run from anyone because of the clothes he wears. Maybe I don't know the whole story to the song and I very well could be wrong, but just a reminder that children are always listening.

Life Lesson #15: Music and other media have a great influence on children.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A New Hairdo

Baby Owen is rocking a new big boy harido! I must admit it was a little nerve racking for me, but we made the decision to cut (or trim) his lovely auburn locks because he has Santa pictures next week...and also because he keeps getting called a "she". I will never understand why when my son is dressed in boy clothes and a bib with a football he's still called a "she". Sorry, got a little sidetracked there, Owen did great for his first haircut. He sat in my lap and just looked around, not one little tear. Of course you know that I took pictures to share, ENJOY!

